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Nationwide Fixed Case Rates

Intensive and Other Oupatient Treament Levels that Require Supportive Housing


Focused Addiction Recovery is proud to be a pioneer in making its very competitive pricing for SUD treatment services transparent. Please know that these prices maybe be further reduced through the application of Scholarships based on the client’s position within the Federal Poverty Guidelines.     

Partial Hospitalization Daytime Program (PHP): Includes 5 hours of group sessions each day M-F for 4 weeks with individual sessions based on need.

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Substance Absue (SA) in-person Clinical Treatment plus basic Medical support (See Note 1.)


Ancillaries (See Note 2.)


Room (semi private) and board at Cedar Green Recovery (See note 3.)




Assessments: BioPsyhcoSocial (BPS) / Comprehensive Clinical Assessment (CCA) / other Psychological Evaluations based on need

$150 but waived /included if client is admitted for treatment

PHP continued and /or Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP): includes 3 hours of group sessions M-F for 4 weeks with individual sessions based on need.

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Substance Absue (SA) in-person Clinical Treatment plus basic Medical support (See Note 1.)


Ancillaries (See Note 2.)


Room (semi private) and board at Cedar Green Recovery (See note 3.)




IOP continued: includes 3 hours of group sessions M-F for 4 weeks with individual sessions based on need.

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Substance Absue (SA) in-person Clinical Treatment plus basic Medical support (See Note 1.)


Ancillaries (See Note 2.)


Room (semi private) and board at Cedar Green Recovery (See note 3.)





1. Includes: Group and individual clinical therapy sessions as shown above. Virtual sessions may also be used at our sole discretion depending on circumstances e.g. personal illness. Basic-only medical services support of a nature and type as determined by our Medical Director at his/her sole discretion. Standard, on-going psychological evaluations and drug screening as needed.

1. Excludes:  Persons 17 years of age and under. Professional intensive psychiatrics / behavioral health treatment for co-occurring Mental Health disorders, detoxification however, we can arrange for detox services to be rendered by another provider at that provider’s price point to be discussed with you in advance. Non-basic medical and surgical services as defined by FAR’s Medical Director. Dental, vision, hearing and other ancillary healtcare services. Prescription and OTC drugs needed by client.

2. Includes: Ground transportation to and from ILM airport in Wilmington NC to and from Cedar Green Recovery and scheduled weekend outings.

2. Excludes: Transportation back to ILM if client leaves treament prematurely for any reason. Then, the cost is $50 one way back to ILM. Transport to and from local medical services providers outside of a 50 mile radius is $95 each way. Ground tansportation to and from RDU airport is $150 each way

3. Includes: Welcome package, 3 meals per day, use of assigned bathroom, basic toiletries e.g. bedding, towels and washcloths, etc.

3. Excludes: Private room, personal toiletry and hygiene items

Other Exclusions

Commercial travel expenses e.g. plane, train etc.

Patient-requested items and special goods and services e.g. haircuts, clothing, personal favorites / snacks, etc.

Sober Companion (SC) Transportation Services and Recovery Coaching

What the Service Is

SC services are available 7 days per week to accompany pre- or post-detoxed individuals ages 18+ to treatment. The SC is an insured (professional liability) and trained professional Interventionist. The SC’s duty is to ensure safe arrival of a patient with active SUD and/ or complicating psychiatric and/or medical factors to the chosen treatment facility.  

How the Service Works

The SC flies to the then current location of the affected individual, picks him/her up at their current location by car and transports the person to the local airport. The SC accompanies the individual on the departure flight to the treatment center as appropriate. The SC rents a car at the arrival airport and delivers the patient to the detox center or treatment center for check in. 

Also includes 30 days of Recovery Coaching (RC) sessions for the patient’s family / loved ones (post treatment?).  RC is facilitated psychoeducation and support for the patient’s family / support system outside treatment. 

What’s In the Bundle and What it Costs

SC Roundtrip Transportation Services



-car and air transportation fees, hotel fees, meals and other travel related expenses which are billed at cost

-emergency room or other medical services if needed during transport.

-transport of multiple afflicted individuals in a single trip (e.g., husband and wife) which would come at a higher cost

Intervention Services

What the Service Is

Intervention Services are designed for an SUD afflicted individual who is either in a pre-contemplation (contemplative or contemplation?) or contemplation stage of change. In other words, patients who are unwilling to accept a clinically appropriate treatment plan. This works where an Intervention Specialist (IS) travels to the then current location of the afflicted individual’s family / loved ones. The IS assists the family and loved ones in moving the patient into an “action stage of change” for accepting an appropriate treatment plan.

How the Service Works

Step 1 – Pre-Intervention

The IS via telephone conducts a situational assessment and planning session(s) with the afflicted individual’s loved ones or “family” to prepare all participants for the upcoming intervention process. Psychoeducational and other training materials are provided in advance during this phase. 

Step 2 – Family Intervention and Preparation

On the first day, the IS meets in person only with the family and typically at their place of residence to:

-learn about the afflicted individual

-provide psychoeducation to the family about SUD, MH disorders, and complicating factors. 

-educate the family on enabling behaviors while formulating an individualized action plan for supporting the afflicted person while not enabling him/her.

-discuss the effects of enabling behaviors on the afflicted individual’s addiction as well as the family system

-outline what the family’s post-treatment home environment and behaviors need to look like

-prepare the family for the actual intervention the next day

Step 3 – Intervention Day

On the second day, the IS meets in person with both the family and the afflicted individual together to:

-facilitate therapeutic confrontation about the person’s addiction and behaviors, and the effects those have on all parties

-outline the new operating rules to be in effect immediately and going forward for all those parties involved

-strongly suggest the loved one seek treatment immediately

-if successful, (over 90% are) begin Sober Companion Transportation Services 

 Step 4 – Recovery Coaching

Here, the family and patient engage in RC sessions via video chat for 6 months for further guidance and support. 

What’s In the Bundle and What it Costs

Intervention Services and Post Treatment Follow Up  



-car and air transportation fees, hotel fees, meals and other travel related expenses which are billed at cost

-emergency room or other medical services if needed during transport

-transport of multiple afflicted individuals in a single trip (e.g., husband and wife) which would come at a higher cost

Contact FAR Today

You’ve already taken the first step in getting the help you need. The next step is making the call. You don’t need to live with addiction any longer. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can help you or your loved one overcome addiction

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