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Focus Addiction Recovery

102 W Main St
Wallace, NC 28466

(910) 659-9857

A Premier Addiction Treatment Center in North Carolina

How long have you been struggling with addiction?

The truth is, you’re not alone. Addiction is a common problem that affects millions of people each year. But there is hope. FAR can provide you with the treatment and support you need to overcome your struggles with substance use disorder and start living a healthier life.

FAR: Focused Addiction Recovery - And We Stand By That Promise…

We offer a variety of therapy and treatment options to build a custom recovery plan based on your needs. At FAR we do not have a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all treatment. Our team has over 22 years of experience within the behavioral health industry and we have learned that the only way to truly beat addiction is by targeting exactly what the individual needs to be successful.

We understand how difficult it can be to admit that you have a problem and ask for help. But we assure you that doing so is the first step on the road to recovery. At FAR, we can provide you with the tools necessary to prepare you to finally defeat addiction.

With our help, you can regain control of your life.

Contact us today for more information about our addiction treatment programs or to talk to one of our admissions counselors to discuss the next steps in getting the treatment you need. Our calls are always private and confidential.

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