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Outpatient Detox Program in North Carolina

Outpatient Detox is a great way to help your loved one overcome their addiction. This process will help them become accustomed to living without substances and be evaluated for any behavioral health disorders. It’s just as effective as inpatient detox but allows the person to stay at home and travel to the treatment center each day.

The length of time spent in detox can vary depending on the severity of addiction and other factors but typically lasts between 5-7 days.   

What Is

Outpatient Detox?

Outpatient detox is a type of drug and alcohol detoxification (“detox”) that allows people to reside at home while receiving treatment for withdrawals related to their addiction. During outpatient detox, individuals travel to a treatment center each day to receive care from medical professionals and addiction counselors.

Outpatient detox is an effective alternative to inpatient detox for people who have a milder form of substance use disorder or who have responsibilities at home, such as work or childcare, that prevent them from staying in a residential treatment program.

What Are the Benefits of Outpatient Detox?

There are several benefits of outpatient detox, including:

  • More affordable than inpatient detox
  • Greater flexibility for people with work or family obligations
  • Patients can receive individualized care from addiction counselors
  • The ability to transition into an intensive outpatient program after detox is completed

What Are the Disadvantages of Outpatient Detox?

There are a few disadvantages associated with outpatient detox, such as:

  • There is less structure and support than with inpatient detox 
  • You may be tempted to use drugs or alcohol if they are easily accessible
  • You will need to drive (or be driven) to the treatment center each day for evaluation

During the time an individual is going through outpatient detox, they receive medication to manage withdrawal symptoms and are monitored by medical staff. After completing outpatient detox, patients typically transition into an intensive outpatient program (IOP) or partial hospitalization program (PHP) where they receive continued therapy for their addiction.

It’s important to keep in mind that this process requires the individual to be vigilant and resist the temptation to quit. If you feel that you may need more structure and support an inpatient detox may work better for your situation.

What is the Difference Between Inpatient and Outpatient Detox?

Inpatient detox is typically more expensive than outpatient detox because the patient resides at the treatment center during the entire process. Outpatient detox allows the patient to live at home and travel to the treatment center for scheduled appointments.

Some people may feel that they can detox on their own, but medical supervision is always recommended to avoid any life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. Outpatient detox will still provide oversight to make sure that your detox is safe and effective.

In many cases, outpatient detox is the only real solution for many individuals who have work and home life responsibilities. For example, if you work a job that you cannot take a week or two away from then outpatient detox may be your best solution. In other situations, there may be home-life obligations that cannot be missed. Outpatient detox is convenient, safe, and provides flexibility in your addiction treatment needs.

How Long Does it Take to Detox?

The length of time will vary depending on the individual. However, most people can complete detox in one week to 10 days. More serious withdrawal scenarios may require up to two weeks of outpatient detox. During the time you’re enrolled in the outpatient detox program, you’ll travel to the addiction treatment facility each weekday for a follow-up regarding your detox process and any refills on medication.

Your first outpatient detox session will be the longest and should last somewhere between one to two hours. This is because doctors need to conduct a thorough evaluation to begin your treatment regimen. Each subsequent appointment should be fairly short lasting only about half an hour. Again, the amount of time spent in the outpatient detox program will depend on the seriousness of the addiction.

How Does the Detox Process Work?

Patients will work with a team of addiction treatment professionals who will help them through the process of detoxing from substances. This team may include doctors, nurses, counselors, and other support staff. The patient will be monitored closely during this time to ensure their safety and comfort. Medications may be used to help ease withdrawal symptoms and make the process more tolerable.

After detox is complete, the patient will be able to begin drug abuse treatment. This may include individual counseling, group therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and other evidence-based treatments.

Early Stages

The early stages of detox can be the most difficult. During this time, patients may experience withdrawal symptoms that can be uncomfortable and even dangerous. It is important to have medical supervision during detox to ensure the safety of the patient.

The peak stages of detox are when the patient is experiencing the most intense withdrawal symptoms. This is typically 48-72 hours after the last use of substances. Withdrawal symptoms can include anxiety, depression, irritability, insomnia, and flu-like symptoms.

The weakening stages of detox are when the patient’s symptoms start to lessen in intensity. This typically occurs 3-5 days after the last use of substances. Patients may still experience some symptoms, but they will be much less severe than in the peak stages.

The final stages of detox are when the patient’s symptoms have largely dissipated, and they are starting to feel physically and emotionally stronger. This typically occurs 7-10 days after the last use of substances. Patients may still have some lingering symptoms, but they should be manageable and not interfere with daily life.

What Medications Can Be Used During Outpatient Detox?

There are a variety of medications that can be used in an outpatient detox program. These include:

Antabuse: This medication is typically used for alcohol dependence. It causes severe symptoms if alcohol is consumed while taking the medication.

Naltrexone: This medication is typically used for opioid dependence. It blocks the effects of opioids and helps to reduce cravings.

Vivitrol: This is a long-acting form of naltrexone that is injected once per month.

Suboxone: This medication is typically used for opioid dependence. It contains a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone.

Campral: This medication is typically used for alcohol dependence. It helps to reduce cravings and the urge to drink.

What is the Next Step After

Outpatient Detox is Completed?

After you have completed detox, you will be evaluated for a mental health disorder. The purpose of this is to make sure that you are getting the best possible treatment for your addiction. If you do not have a mental health disorder, you will be able to go straight into drug abuse treatment. If you do have a mental health disorder, you will first need to receive treatment for that before you can begin drug abuse treatment.

An addiction treatment program will be the next step after detox is completed. This is where you will learn how to live a life without substances. You will also be taught how to deal with triggers and cravings. Treatment usually lasts between 30 and 120 days. During this time, you will participate in individual and group therapy. You may also have family therapy.

Your length in addiction will depend on the treatment program you enroll in and what your recommendation dictates. Two programs that you may enroll in for addiction treatment could include a partial hospitalization program or an intensive outpatient program.

Who is a Good Candidate for an Outpatient Detox Program?

An outpatient detox program is for people who are struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol but who do not require 24/7 care. This means that your drug or alcohol addiction is less severe and you can manage it at home in a supportive environment. 

It also means that you will be able to resist the temptation to quit the detox before has been completed. Remember, outpatient detox requires you to be vigilant in sticking to your addiction treatment goals with minimal oversight.

It can also be for those who have already been through inpatient detox and need a less intensive level of care. Detox can be done on an individual or group basis, depending on the program you enroll in.

What is the Cost of Detox and Will My Insurance Cover It?

The cost of outpatient detox will depend on the type of insurance you have and the treatment center you choose. Most insurance plans will cover some or all of the costs of detoxification. Treatment centers that accept private pay may have lower costs than those that only take insurance.

Recover Today

Recover with an Outpatient Detox Program

An outpatient detox program provides a safe and comfortable setting for you to begin your journey to recovery. A highly trained and experienced staff will provide you with the support and care you need to successfully detox from drugs or alcohol. 

Contact us today to learn more about our treatment programs and how we can help you or a loved one break the cycle of addiction!

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